Dressing up Willow was my sister Elisa’s idea - and Willow loved it :-)
About Us
I’m Alwyn Walker and I’m a Staffy addict.
I believe I am a new type of dog breeder. One that treats his dogs like family members, not farm animals. I believe that this approach combined with an understanding of recent scientific research (on epigenetics, stress hormones, training and nutrition) results in puppies that are ideal as family pets.
I grew up with a brown, floppy eared Doberman and then in my teens and 20’s I helped my parents to breed Cairn Terriers.
My journey with Staffies started when i got my first two littermates that my foster sister Elisa found and called Holly and Willow.
I took my modern love of research to the internet and after wading through a lot of nonsense opinions, I started to learn a lot about dog training. I looked back over the years and saw how many mistakes I had made with my dogs. The most embarrassing and saddening mistake was punishing them for “bad behaviours” instead of teaching them “good behaviours”. That’s difficult to admit, as I caused unnecessary suffering to some of my dogs that I loved and also damaged our relationships in the process.
In my pre-staffy days. A litter with "Honey".
I’ve now made it my mission to not only stop making those mistakes but to help other dog owners to avoid them too. In this mission I’ve written a document that I send to all my buyers, regardless of their experience level. It addresses all the major topics and issues that people come across when they get a new puppy. Training methods, affection, socialisation, nutrition, exercise, toys and more.
It’s not long, so see it as a cheat sheet. It’s easy to forget what challenges having a new puppy brings.