Counting puppies with Ellie

Nighttime Update:

I’ve split the litter into two boxes now but even with that, Ellie isn’t going to the pups enough (they’re hungry and she’s full of milk) so I’m having to use a timer every night (and day) and bring the pups in groups of 3 or 4 to her (moving them from one box to another to keep track of which ones had had a feed)

Ellie freaked out a minute ago when she noticed that one of the boxes was now empty.

So I brought her to the full box and I helped her count them all, touching each one as I did. After I had finished she started licking me furiously 😂😂😂

I’m always afraid of anthropomorphising because I don’t want to make assumptions but….. she knows I wanted to show her they were all there. :-)

Alwyn Walker

who’s this bio for exactly?

3:30am Ellie feeding her puppies


Ellie’s first litter :-) (born sunday 22/09/24)